Case studies

Garr Reynolds on Stories, Videos and Keynote

On Tuesday evening, I experienced two firsts: I went to the Apple store on Oxford Road (enormous, trendy and grand), and I saw the brilliant Garr Reynolds speak.

If you’re not familiar, Garr is the author of the ‘Presentation Zen’ books – a must read for anyone who ever makes slides, writes speeches, or presents to others.

I’m a huge fan of Garr’s work and presenting style, and really enjoyed his talk. I’ve managed to find a similar presentation he gave to Tedx Kyoto earlier this year which I’ve put below, so I won’t spoil it because it’s well worth the watch.

As you’re watching, try to notice the following aspects:

  • He creates a dialogue with the audience – not easy with such a big crowd.
  • All of Garr’s images have a similar feel to them, even though the style isn’t necessarily consistent. He told us on Tuesday that he does this by creating a transparent filter, which he places on top of each image.
  • Garr uses personal stories to make his points, and make a connection with the audience.
  • Garr’s right, videos are even more engaging and appealing than images – notice how he uses silent videos in the background to add context. A brave move, but he pulls it off.

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