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About Me
My job is to help every speaker, whatever their subject, to add impact to their presentations; to help them make more of a mark in their world. This site is for all of us who want to leave a lasting impression with every audience we meet, make the most of our speaking opportunities and stand out from the crowd, every time we stand up to speak.
I've spent 30 years learning my craft and helping professional people, all over the world to do exactly this. I have spent many years learning how to be a better communicator for myself, and more years helping other people build their skills too.
I’ve learned that every great communicator follows rules that help them connect, inspire and explain; even if they don’t know that they do. This blog is an explanation of those simple ‘rules’ that the very best speakers use to help them stand out.
I run training courses for salespeople and students, write speeches for politicians and professional speakers, coach CEOs and Scientists for that special occasion, and I am one for the co-founders of Presentation Guru.
All of this experience tells me that there is no 'one right way' to present. Public speaking is too complex a craft to be so certain; and I would beware of every trainer, book or article that suggests there is 'one way' of doing anything. But there are guidelines to follow that work in most places, for most speakers, with most audiences.
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