I’ve been working with a set of really skilled and experienced presenters for the past few months. The executives had a set...
You’re going to look around a house that you’re thinking of buying. It’s a a Saturday morning. You’re making a commitment. You’ve...
PowerPoint slides, bullets, data, Waffle, jargon, handouts (paper), Anecdotes with no punchline, Or point to help you underline. Music, graphics, sound effects,...
I was working with clients from a major UK insurance company last week. They are intelligent technical experts working as high end...
Who could have said this without irony? They’d have to be in Management Consulting or HR wouldn’t they? “Having finished my deck...
Abstractions distance the audience from you as a speaker, they make it harder for you to connect your ideas with their lives....
Maybe I’m in a bad mood today, but there’s a bit of a rant. I got the idea the first five minutes...
PowerPoint slides, jokes, data, Waffle, jargon, handouts (paper), Anecdotes with no punchline, Or point to help you underline, Music, graphics, sound...
You’re going to look around a new house on a Saturday morning. You’re making a commitment already. You’ve given up 2 hours...
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