The third and final instalment in Jim’s series looking at the 12 hacks, based on research by Professor John Antonakis at the...
Following on from Jim’s earlier article on becoming a more charismatic speaker, here’s a list of the techniques you can employ and...
Oscar Wilde made a good point when he said that- ”Playwrights tell lies to make a general truth” And as presenters...
I had a really interesting challenge the other day, to speak to 30 or so 14-16 year old girls about ‘personal impact’. I had...
It should be brilliant, but it’s not. It’s BA’s new brand message in wide-screen, film-shot format. British Airways relaunches itself with new slogan...
We all know that there’s a right way to speak in public, when we’re singing for our supper – As professional speakers...
One of the key skills in developing ‘Flair‘ as a speechwriter and presenter, is learning to use the ‘tricks of the trades’...
President Barack Obama is used so often as an example of a great speaker by ‘experts’ that he’s almost become a cliche....
Here’s a great article on about the use of management speak in the London held inquests into the deaths of the...
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