
What does Prezi do for a poor speech?


Even if it’s a cute pig, it’s still a pig.  Isn’t it?

So let’s cut the crap about Prezi – Which I like and have reviewed here– saving the world from PowerPoint, and realise that drafting a decent speech with no pictures and delivering it competently,  will be much better received than a poor speech, with great visuals.  Whoever the visuals are from.

Prezi is great in skilled hands working to a tight brief, it also has that ‘wow’ factor if used well.  But look at the Prezi sample page and see how badly most of these ‘super samples’  would work in support of the spoken word.

I’m not ‘anti’ Prezi, or ‘pro’ PowerPoint, just keen to point out that a pig is still a turkey errr.



  1. Pingback: Prezi- Brilliant for supervised reading!

  2. Pingback: Prezi’s One Golden Rule

  3. Pingback: Prezi: Perfect for supervised reading!

  4. Pingback: How Prezi is Changing Presentations

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